Throws & Blankets, Peshtemalin Bathrome, Peshtemalin Blanket, Peshtemalin Cover, Jacquard Blanket,

Jacquard Peshtemal, Peshtemal, Peshtemalin Picnic Mat, Peshtemalin Throw

Denizli Bathrome, Denizli Blanket, Denizli Cover, Denizli Jacquard Blanket,

About Us

About Us

PPhestemalin was founded in Kızılcabölük/ Denizli in 1989.The production plant of the company is located on a land of 5.000 m2.3500 m2 indoor area consisting of the department ie. weaving ,confection, packaging departments.
The total employment capacity of the plant is 325 people and raising day by day.